

Original price was: R4,699.00.Current price is: R3,833.00.

10 Bar Rating

130 micron

40 000 LPH Flow Rate



A disk filter is a filtration device consisting of stacked, flat disks with small gaps between them. Liquids pass through these gaps, while solid particles larger than the gap size are trapped on the surfaces of the disks. Disk filters are commonly used in industrial settings to separate solids from liquids efficiently and are cleaned periodically by backwashing to maintain their effectiveness.

Disk filters offer several benefits in industrial filtration applications:

  1. Efficiency: They provide high filtration efficiency, effectively removing solid particles from liquids.
  2. Reliability: Disk filters are known for their reliable operation and consistent performance over time.
  3. Compact Design: They have a compact footprint relative to their filtration capacity, making them suitable for installations where space is limited.
  4. Low Maintenance: They require minimal maintenance compared to other filtration systems, primarily involving periodic backwashing to clean accumulated particles.
  5. Cost-Effective: Due to their efficiency and low maintenance requirements, disk filters can provide cost savings in terms of operation and upkeep.
  6. Scalability: They can be scaled up or down depending on the specific filtration needs, making them adaptable to various industrial processes.